AMBULANCE crews in Suffolk are on target to beat the clock and hit the government's response time targets.Half yearly figures released today by the East Anglian Ambulance Service show that 75.

AMBULANCE crews in Suffolk are on target to beat the clock and hit the government's response time targets.

Half yearly figures released today by the East Anglian Ambulance Service show that 75.1 per cent of patients suffering from life threatening conditions in the county received an ambulance response within eight minutes. The target is 75%.

This compares with 64.6% for the same April to September period last year.

Last week, the Evening Star revealed how the targets had dropped to 74 per cent after a huge unexplained surge in emergency calls.

Despite that the half yearly figures show that overall the government targets should be reached.

Paul Sutton, director of operations, dedicated the improvements to the staff on the road and in the emergency control centre.

He said: "Since the service first achieved the 75% target towards the end of March, it's been a real challenge keeping it going in the face of the continuing upward trend in call volume."

Maintaining the 75% response time and coupling it with clinical excellence are crucial to improving the survival rates of conditions such as cardiac and respiratory arrests.