The 2017 primary school SATs results have been published today, but can you answer some of the English and maths questions they faced? Have a go here.

This year’s SATs tests were the second year of the new demanding assessments in maths and English being held at the end of primary school.

In Suffolk in 2016, 49% of children aged 10 and 11 met the new, toughened-up required benchmark in reading, writing and mathematics, in the wake of controversial changes to the Sats tests. This was below England’s all-school average of 53%.

In Suffolk in 2017, 57% of Year 6 pupils reached the expected standard, but was still four percentage points below the all-school England average of 61%.

Pupils are meeting the expected standard if they achieve a scaled score of 100 or more in their reading and maths tests, and their teacher assesses them as ‘working at the expected standard’ or better in writing.

Critics say the new tests are too narrow at the expense of other subjects and believe schools are now becoming “exam factories”.

Others believe children are not overly-tested and should be assessed to ensure they know the fundamentals of English and maths before starting secondary school.

The marks required for 2017 on each of the key stage 2 SATs tests are:

– Maths: 57 out of 110 (down from 60 in 2016)

– Reading: 26 out of 50 (up from 21 in 2016)

– Grammar, punctuation and spelling: 36 out of 70 (down from 43 in 2016)