Hundreds of new homes are taking shape at Stoke Quay, in the historic Ipswich Waterfront.

Contractor ISG Jackson is building this major urban regenerations scheme, a mixed-use scheme eventually costing around £36 million, for the Genesis Housing Association.

The scheme will bring 386 new homes to the town, including 25 town houses and three blocks of flats.

The first phase of the contract, with Genesis Housing, focuses on the delivery of 149 affordable and ExtraCare homes on the disused brownfield site. The site is the location of a ‘lost’ 7th Century Saxon church and cemetery, and last September archaeologists systematically investigated the area uncovering evidence of its past occupation and use.

The design of the scheme makes full use of the sloping nature of the site and incorporates a basement car parking structure, which doubles as a flood defence measure.

Genesis Housing Association is one of the largest housing associations in the UK, providing 33,000 homes for more than 100,000 individuals and families.

It provides homeless hostels and homes for the elderly.