“I HAD done a late shift and left at 9.45pm. I was driving home and came along the Hadleigh bypass and I saw a silver car, which was Mandy's, on the roadside but I did not notice any car on the other side of the road.

“I HAD done a late shift and left at 9.45pm. I was driving home and came along the Hadleigh bypass and I saw a silver car, which was Mandy's, on the roadside but I did not notice any car on the other side of the road.

“When the cars collided the fire started and burst the front windscreen because it got so hot, and the glass hit my face, arm and leg. I looked down and saw the bone sticking out of my leg.

“I tried to push myself up to get myself out of the car and in my head I thought I had put my arms on the chair to push, but I could not, and I looked down and noticed my arm was all floppy.

“By then the fire was inside and the dashboard was dripping onto my leg. Mandy tried to get me out and I said no, I wanted to check what injuries I had.

“I looked down and I could see a big piece of windscreen sticking in my knee but also there was a lot of the dashboard that was melting on my leg and it was burning.

“The flames were really getting big and I can remember at that point screaming for someone to get me out. Everyone had moved away because the fire was so big except Mandy, who said: 'I can still hear her screaming, I'm going back to get her.'

“It seemed like forever before she got me out but I don't honestly know how long it was. The car went up instantly after I got out.

“I am still having flashbacks. A few nights ago my husband lit a fire in the living room and that was it, I burst into tears. It is so ridiculous but that was the first time I had seen a flame since the accident.

“Mandy had to go to the doctor, she is having a hard time with flashbacks.

“She saw everything, but I didn't. I can remember looking and the car being there, but she saw everything and couldn't stop it so it is a lot more traumatic for her.”