Staff at an Ipswich surveyors were shocked to discover Bambi nestling in their garden.

IPSWICH: Staff at an Ipswich surveyors were shocked to discover Bambi nestling in their garden.

This little muntjac deer had set up camp in the garden of Castons Chartered Surveyors in Grimwade Street.

Staff discovered the creature prancing around the property on Monday and were worried when they noticed a gash on its leg.

Receptionist Shelia Rouse said “My colleague saw the deer outside while he was in the photocopy room.

“He's such a lovely little thing, but he has an injured leg so we were a bit worried.”

Shelia and her colleagues contacted the RSPCA when they discovered the distressed animal, who said that if it remained in the garden they would have to put it down.

She added: “We couldn't have it put down, so we contacted the Suffolk Wildlife Trust and someone they recommended were going to come and release it back to the wild.”

However, just before the deer was due to be rescued, it jumped over the fence and bolted through the car park of Suffolk New College.

Alec Suttenwood, of Ipswich Wildlife Care and Rescue, said: “It would have definitely made its way back to a surrounding field or park.”