COMMUNITY safety experts are today putting the wheels in motion to stop joy riders dumping and setting fire to cars on a troubled Ipswich estate.

COMMUNITY safety experts are today putting the wheels in motion to stop joy riders dumping and setting fire to cars on a troubled Ipswich estate.

Since the New Year three vehicles have been dumped on the green, off Lavenham Road, in the Triangle estate and residents are sick and tired of the vandalism.

A number have complained about the arson attacks, as well as similar incidents last year, and now officers from both Ipswich Borough Council and Suffolk County Council have met to discuss what can be done.

Alan Keeley, community safety manager for the county council, said: “Following a complaint to the council about two separate incidents of cars being dumped we have joined forced with Ipswich Borough Council to see what can be done about it.

“We don't want to prevent people from getting on this area and using it - we want it to be a loved place for the community.

“But what we do want to stop is vehicles getting on to the green and spoiling the area for everyone else.”

Mr Keeley said the council had already raised the bank on the Kelly Road side of the field and put a padlock on a gate leading on there but more measures were needed.

He said: “We hope to plant some bushes to try and prevent them but this takes a long time to plan and it has to be the right time of the year to do it.

“As a short term solution we are looking at putting bollards in place and hopefully this can be carried out soon.”

One 33-year-old resident from Lavenham Road, who did not wish to be named, said: “These suggestions are good ones and I would love to see them put in place.

“The burned out motorbikes dumped on the green are just about tolerable but the dumped cars are another thing.

“We had almost given up on the police or council doing anything about our problems but this is a step in the right direction.

“Now we just have to see if anything is carried out. All we want is a quiet life.”