A FEW months after the nation celebrated the Queen's Golden Jubilee, Chantry Infant School celebrated its own fifty years.Probably due to an increase in the number of pupils, four "temporary" classrooms were put in place outside the Ipswich primary school's main building in 1952.

HOW long is temporary?

For pupils at an Ipswich infant school temporary has spanned 50 years – the length of time they have been using portable buildings originally intended as a stop-gap.

But the long line of youngsters and staff that have traipsed over the years from the main building at Chantry Infant School to their outdoors classroom has ended now the temporary rooms have been brought in from the cold.

Due to an increase in the number of pupils, four "temporary" classrooms were put in place outside the Ipswich primary school's main building in 1952 soon after it opened.

Although they were meant to be temporary, it is only now that the buildings, affectionately known as ' the hut' by school staff, have been replaced.

Vicky Bulcomb, who has been a full-time teacher at the school for the last eleven years, believes that a lack of finances can explain why the buildings remained in place for so long.

She said: " Obviously I don't know for sure. I haven't been here the whole time! But there were always places deemed to be worse off."

For 50 years, children and teachers braved the weather to get to the classrooms.

Due to the slight security risk caused by the buildings being outside, keypads were installed on all the doors, but conditions inside were far from ideal.

Mrs Bulcomb said: " The old buildings were originally cold and damp. Even when a new heating system was installed, the floor was still damp.

"The windows leaked as they were rotten, the children had to come across in the wet and the cold from the main building and water would be trampled into the already wet floor."

Now, with the help of some money from the council, the school has finally had the outside classrooms taken down and replaced by two new rooms attached to the main building.

Mrs Bulcomb said the reaction has been overwhelmingly positive. She said: "The new rooms are wonderful. Bright, warm and attached to the school, making security easier and keeping staff and children warm."

With over 180 children currently at the school, teachers and parents are hoping that these new classrooms can keep future generations warm, dry and happy.

FACTBOX: apart from the coronation, what else was happening in 1952?

the polio vaccine was invented by Jonas Salk.

the XV Olympics took place in Helsinki, Finland.

Britain fired its first nuclear weapon on the Monte Bello islands in October.

The Mau Mau began their uprising against British rule in Kenya.

John Steinbeck's 'East of Eden' was published.

Several famous films were released, including Gary Cooper in High Noon and Gene Kelly dancing through the puddles in Singin' In The Rain.