BOWLS: The Bowls Taster event, organised by Ipswich & District IBC in a two hour session, proved to be very successful. About 40 players took part – 16 of them adults in the range 18-60 years, the remainder being youngsters aged from six years upwards.

THE Bowls Taster event, organised by Ipswich & District IBC in a two hour session, proved to be very successful.

About 40 players took part – 16 of them adults in the range 18-60 years, the remainder being youngsters aged from six years upwards. Nearly all of them played in their socks!

There were also a good number of mums, dads and younger children who came to watch.

Club international John Rednall was in charge of proceedings, assisted by his wife Christine and club members Anne Cable, Anita Gibson, Margaret Insley, Colin Buck and George Noy.

Early stages saw bowlers just rolling woods up the green to get the feel of handling them, but this soon developed into the more serious business of learning to judge line and weight to deliver woods to the jack.

Everyone seemed to enjoy the event and although this was mainly a fun affair, it was obvious from observations that a number of the players were beginning to show early promise.

It is hoped that, following the introduction to the sport, some of them will take up the opportunity to learn the game seriously. To this end, the club will be running an Introduction to Bowls course – 10 sessions, 8.30 to 10am on Saturdays, starting on January 19, with John Rednall again in charge.

An entry fee of £10, including refreshments, will be payable. Anyone wishing to take part in this event can obtain entry forms from the club secretary, Wyn Keish, at the club, 186 Rushmere Road, telephone 712601.