Red Rose Chain’s revamped community theatre group gets off to a great start today, performing for HighTide Festival launch audiences.

Members of Ipswich-based ACT (Avenue Community Theatre) explored the story of Anne Wentworth, who was said to be possessed by the devil. It reflects modern issues around mental health and the way people relate to the environment they grow up in.

The piece offered a taste of artistic director Joanna Carrick’s next history play, based on the story of the Statue of our Lady which was rescued from the Reformation and taken to Nettuno in Italy, where it can still be found today.

The play marks the third in a trilogy for Joanna, which started with the critically acclaimed Fallen In Love and then Progress, about the true story of Elizabeth I’s visit to Ipswich in 1561.

She said: “Our amazing programme of community work at The Avenue Theatre has such a positive impact on people. It takes them away from often very difficult lives and environments and gives them moments of joy, skills and confidence that will make a huge difference to the whole of the rest of their lives, their children’s lives and the whole of their families and communities. I am so proud of what this group are achieving.”

There will a fundraiser in aid of the group at The Avenue’s Community Christmas Fayre on November 25.