Although the circumstances surrounding the backstory of London Road were terrible, you could tell from the beginning this was going to be an uplifting film.

The actions and emotions of London Road residents, who were given a voice through the interviews by Alecky Blythe, stood out among the chaotic goings-on for those who did not live on the road. What started as a dark, bleak, setting, became a road full of light and hope, exactly as in reality.

The chaos surrounding the media frenzy was captured perfectly, as were the views of the people at the time the murders took place.

At that point it felt like I was walking through the centre of Ipswich in 2006, albeit without members of the public singing and dancing to the music set to their words.

The melody was in time with every word, including every ‘umm’ and ‘err’, which were not omitted from the script.

And even in the more serious moments there was time to laugh as residents struggled to make their way through the over-zealous police taping.

The mannerisms of the ‘stars’ of the show were also presented exactly as if it were the residents themselves on the big screen, instead of actors.

Adam Cork’s music, not over-dramatic, accompanied the story well.

The production, which is about the regeneration of a community following terrible circumstances, was true to the real story throughout.

Callum Maclean