Latest articles from Naomi Gornall

Review: Tonight I’m Gonna Be The New Me, New Wolsey Theatre, Pulse Festival

For the first 10 minutes of Made in China’s ‘Tonight I’m Gonna Be the New Me’, its solo performer and co-creator, Jessica Latowicki undertakes a highly energetic dance/aerobic exercise routine. We don’t know who she is, what this dance means (rage/frustration/excitement?), or whether it will last for the entire 65 minutes (unlikely though given its energy). She then stops, faces us, smiles and says in a broad American accent that she is dedicating the dance to us. A slightly tense audience chuckles and visibly relaxes.

Review: Tonight I’m Gonna Be The New Me, New Wolsey Theatre, Pulse Festival

For the first 10 minutes of Made in China’s ‘Tonight I’m Gonna Be the New Me’, its solo performer and co-creator, Jessica Latowicki undertakes a highly energetic dance/aerobic exercise routine. We don’t know who she is, what this dance means (rage/frustration/excitement?), or whether it will last for the entire 65 minutes (unlikely though given its energy). She then stops, faces us, smiles and says in a broad American accent that she is dedicating the dance to us. A slightly tense audience chuckles and visibly relaxes.