The Needham Market Raft Race has returned with a splash or two following an enforced two-year break.

The event took place on Sunday, June 5 at Needham Lakes as part of the town's Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

Established in 2002 to mark the Queen's Golden Jubilee, the races are usually an annual event but had to pause over the lockdown period due to Covid-19 restrictions.

Crowds flocked to see the activities which began at midday, with rafts arriving ready to be judged at 1pm and races starting at 2pm.

Many participants choose to race on decorated rafts or while wearing fancy dress, resulting in an array of colourful and comedic displays as they paddled down the river.

They also held a Spot the Duck Competition in which rubber ducks were hidden in various shops around the town.

Needham Market residents were pleased to see the event taking place again, welcoming both old and new raft teams to the lake.