Thousands of pounds could be waiting for people in Suffolk as dozens of estates remain unclaimed — is your surname on this list?

When someone dies with no will or known family, their property is then passed onto the Crown and is classed as ownerless.

Estates can include any kind of property such as buildings, money or even personal possessions.

The list of estates is updated daily by HM Treasury and featured 51 family names as of December 31, 2021.

The people came from towns including Ipswich, Stowmarket, Bury St Edmunds and Newmarket – with many dying as widows, bachelors or spinsters.

When making a claim for an estate, you'll be asked to send the government a family tree showing your relationship and two pieces of identification.

However, if you are not a relative, you can still apply for a grant from the estate – for example, if you lived together or once cared for them.