IPSWICH was left suffering from a mystery niff after a foul smell descended across the town.

IPSWICH was left suffering from a mystery niff after a foul smell descended across the town.

The smell descended on the town on Friday - but no one is sure where it came from!

Bosses at Anglian Water's sewage plant at Cliff Quay insisted there were no problems there and the smell could not have come from them.

In the past smells that have descended over Ipswich have been blamed on methane production by cattle in Holland and Belgium being blown over the North Sea - but Star Weatherman Ken Blowers dismissed this suggestion.

He said: “The wind, such as it is, is coming from the wrong direction. If it was coming from fields it would have come from farmers much-spreading to the south of Ipswich.

“But do farmers really put muck on their fields at this time of the year?”

Ipswich has been plagued by bad smells in the past - the Nacton Niff became a feature of warm, still summer days in the town before Anglian Water upgraded its Cliff Quay treatment works.

However there have been few problems over recent months.

Stronger winds over the weekend seem to have blown the foul smell away - and if it was caused by problems in Anglian Water's network of pipes engineers should know if there are any problems in these early this week.