The decision to turn down plans for 279 new homes in Needham Market has been appealed - and will go to a public inquiry.

The plans, submitted by landowners David Willis, Marlene Perry, and Michael Watson, just before Christmas last year, would see 279 homes built on land to the north of Barking Road.

In April the project was rejected by the Mid Suffolk District Council development control meeting over fears of the effects of flooding.

In the statement on the appeal, Parker Planning Services said: "Our client’s proposals will contribute to the plan’s overarching vision (to 2037) of ensuring that Needham Market’s future growth occurs in a balanced and sustainable way, which preserves and enhances its attractive, historic core, promotes the health and wellbeing of local people, and maintains the community way of life already present in the town."

Conservation group the Needham Market Societ, expressed concern over the project when it was submitted days before Christmas last year.

Needham Market Town council also objected.

In reaction to news of the appeal, Needham Market Town Council said in a statement: "The council objected to the earlier application and will again strongly object on the grounds that:

"The proposed development is contrary to the recently adopted Needham Market Neighbourhood Plan.

"This plan came into force in March 2022  and gained 93% support from local electors.

"Within the plan it is confirmed the Needham Market has already got sufficient housing, either built or approved to be built, for the next 15 years.

"The development of this greenfield site is totally unnecessary in the context of the current Housing Land Supply across the Mid Suffolk District.

"Needham Market is not going to get the investment in infrastructure needed to support a level of growth beyond that included in the current housing allocation, and this development proposal would place yet more impact upon our existing infrastructure.

"The site is in a significant position offering some much-needed green space and rural prospect between the edge of our town and that of Barking.

"The immediate area adjacent to the proposed development site has historically suffered from recurrent and damaging floods and the likely hard surfaces which such a housing development creates would seriously increase this problem.

"Access to the proposed development is off a very busy road where serious accidents have occurred due to vehicles speeding, and any proposed secondary access would be poorly-sited in a quiet residential area."