A landlord has been ordered to pay more than £6,000 after failing to remove waste from an Ipswich property.

Mr Mumimur Rahman, of Western Close, Rushmere St Andrew, was convicted of four offences at Suffolk Magistrates' Court on Monday, December 5.

According to Ipswich Borough Council, all four offences were under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 and included a large pile of waste being left at one property in Avondale Road.

After an investigation by officers from Ipswich Borough Council’s environmental protection team, Mr Rahmam was served with community protection notices for failing to remove the waste from the property.

He failed to comply with all the requirements of the notice that was issued in July and was subsequently prosecuted.

A spokesperson for Ipswich Borough Council said: “Environmental health protection team officers worked tirelessly to bring this to court, despite Mr Rahmam ignoring repeated notices to remove the waste from the property.

Ipswich Star: waste left at an Ipswich propertywaste left at an Ipswich property (Image: Ipswich Borough Council)

"This fine should serve as a warning to other landlords who leave their properties in this kind of condition, that the council will not tolerate such behaviour and will continue to prosecute individuals who fail to remove their waste.”