A new breakfast hub is launching in Ipswich to offer a place for men to meet and expand their social circles. 

Emmaus Suffolk will run The Breakfast Bap Hub every Saturday from its community cafe The Royal Oak, in Felixstowe Road, Ipswich.

The two hour drop-in session aims to support men to make new connections and friends in their community while providing an environment for them to talk about any mental health issues they may be facing.

Attendees can enjoy a free breakfast bap and get stuck into a game of cards, play chess or just stop in for a chat. 

Claire Staddon, Chief Executive of Emmaus Suffolk, said: “We’re very pleased to be launching this new hub and we’re incredibly grateful to NHS Ipswich and East Suffolk ICB for their support of this new project, and our organisation.

"Every week our hubs provide a space for people to come for an hour or two and connect with others while also checking in on their own wellbeing and it’s important to us that we have this dedicated space for men to come together.

"All our services are tailored to the local need, and we have seen first-hand many men in particular struggling alone with their mental health, we hope by targeting this group of people, that this new hub can combat that.” 

The new hub is being funded by NHS Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care Board 

The Breakfast Bap Hub will be open every Saturday from 10am to midday starting from July 1.

Emmaus Suffolk works with vulnerable, socially isolated people and those at risk of homelessness across Ipswich, Felixstowe, and Suffolk. 

In addition, to the Breakfast Bap Hub Emmaus Suffolk will also be extending its wellbeing hub at Sailmakers Shopping Centre which is open Monday to Wednesday and the drop-in sessions will now be open on Fridays from 10am - 12.30pm.  

To find out more about Emmaus Suffolk and the support the charity provides for the local community, visit emmaus.org.uk/suffolk/ and go to ‘Our Hubs’.