On Sunday, I completed this year’s Orwell Challenge where I raised funds for local charity, BSC Multicultural Services. The Orwell Challenge, previously called the Orwell Walk, is run by The Rotary Club of East Ipswich. It is the county’s largest multi-charity fundraiser.

This year’s Orwell Challenge was the 46th year of the event, with the first being held in 1976. Over the years, participants have raised well over £3.2 million for their charities and organisations. Over 100 organisations have benefited from the donations raised.

I managed about 10 miles in the challenging heat. It was a great afternoon though. Walking in beautiful Suffolk, I was able to see some stunning views. Heard almost 1,000 people participated this year, raising funds for so many fantastic local causes. I’ve been told around £10,000!

My charity of choice was BSC Multicultural Services, an organisation for which I am an ambassador and have long been involved with. I walked to raise money for their Hardship Fund. The BSC Multicultural Services Hardship Fund offers hot meals to homeless people who have fallen on tough times throughout the year in Ipswich.

BSC Multicultural Services have for many years provided invaluable support to some of the most vulnerable across the town. This was particularly the case during the pandemic. They were able to provide food parcels to large numbers of families, they continue to run a very effective befriending service for elderly residents who’re struggling with loneliness. They also run a very effective language school and are a real positive force in promoting integration across the town.

Two years ago, I participated in the Orwell Challenge, raising money for BSC Multicultural Services, like this year. But this year we walked even further, despite the heat being more intense.

It has been great to see how much the organisation has achieved since I last walked for them. Most recently, in April, I got to welcome Boshor Ali, chairperson and Mahbub Alam Shamim, treasurer, to 10 Downing Street for the Local Charity Champion Reception, with Rt Hon Stuart Andrew MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Department for Culture, Media and Sport. It was to celebrate the hard work local charities do for local communities, making constituencies a better place to live.

I must say that though challenging in the heat I thoroughly enjoyed my day. The Suffolk scenery along the Orwell was as ever fantastic and without parallel. The Levington lagoon is always a highlight for me and was again this year.

I did have ambitions of walking 19 miles but it wasn’t to be. I will attempt that next year and will start a lot earlier to try and make sure I’m successful.

I enjoyed meeting all the incredibly friendly volunteers at all the stations, boosting the morale of all the participants throughout the day. They played a key role.

And a huge congratulations to everyone who participated in the Orwell Challenge in the harsh heat. Special mention to Ipswich resident David Bartholomew who chalked up a full marathon and half-marathon in one day!

A huge amount of work goes in to making the Orwell challenge such a success. The Ipswich East rotary club facilitate unprecedented levels of fundraising for so many worthwhile causes and brilliant Suffolk charities. They’re absolute stars for what they do year after year.