More than one million people in Ipswich struggling with feelings of despair have been helped by volunteers over the past 60 years.

Since the Samaritans of Ipswich and East Suffolk branch was founded six decades ago, it has received over one million calls from people who are experiencing feelings of distress and despair, people who are having suicidal thoughts, and even those in the process of taking their own lives.

Although it is not a religious organisation, the Samaritans was founded by Vicar Chad Varah in London, in November 1953.

Since then, the organisation has swelled to 22,000 volunteers. Of these, 100 volunteers are based in Ipswich.

“I shall never forget that the radio publicity which led to the start of the Ipswich Branch was quite unprecedented,” Reverend Varah is reported to have said.  “The room booked for us was nowhere big enough for the eight hundred plus audience, so we had to book another room.”

Ipswich Star: Chad Varah founded the Samaritans in 1953. Image: Samaritans Chad Varah founded the Samaritans in 1953. Image: Samaritans (Image: Samaritans)

Ipswich Star: Bill Turnball opening the Samaritans newly refurbished branch at 140 St Helens Street in October 2019. Image: Samaritans Bill Turnball opening the Samaritans newly refurbished branch at 140 St Helens Street in October 2019. Image: Samaritans (Image: Samaritans)

Josh Betts is the Ipswich branch’s deputy director for marketing. He has been a listening volunteer since 2019.

He said: “It is a proud feeling, being part of an organisation that has received over one million contacts and being an individual that has been able to contribute to that is something I will always take great pride in.

“I personally hope to continue to help the community for many more years to come.”

Ipswich Star: Many years ago, the Samaritans premises in St Helen's Street used to be the Grove Tavern, a Tolly Cobbold pub. Image: SamaritansMany years ago, the Samaritans premises in St Helen's Street used to be the Grove Tavern, a Tolly Cobbold pub. Image: Samaritans (Image: Samaritans)

Ipswich Star: The Samaritans premises as it is today. Image: Samaritans The Samaritans premises as it is today. Image: Samaritans (Image: Samaritans)

Ipswich Star: Volunteers have taken part in many outreach events over the past 60 years. Image: SamaritansVolunteers have taken part in many outreach events over the past 60 years. Image: Samaritans (Image: Samaritans)

To celebrate the Samaritans’ 60th Anniversary, the Ipswich branch is in the process of organising a large party for all volunteers. As part of this, they are planning a grand raffle and currently seeking sponsorship and raffle prizes.

If you are able to help with a donation or prize or would like to purchase a ticket, please contact Anne Reeder, branch director, on

All proceeds raised will be put towards the running of Ipswich branch of Samaritans enabling them to continue being there for people during their time of need.

Every £5 raised helps Samaritans answer one potentially life-saving call.