A Felixstowe man who lost six stone in just half a year has revealed his joy – and says he is the happiest he has ever been.

Going through a divorce, Rick Ward decided that enough was enough and changed his life completely. 

After trying every possible diet and even fat-burning injections, the 39-year-old man started the 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan. 

Ipswich Star: Rick Ward before losing weight, SuppliedRick Ward before losing weight, Supplied (Image: Supplied)

He said: “I got to the point where I was 18 and a half stone. I kept doing diets and losing a bit of weight and thinking, ‘yeah, I'm going to carry it on’, but I'd look in the mirror and I still wouldn't be happy because I lost my hair as well. 

"Eventually, I went and got a hair transplant in February. Then in July, I started the diet. 

Ipswich Star: Rick Ward before losing weight, SuppliedRick Ward before losing weight, Supplied (Image: Supplied)

“After two weeks of doing the diet, my wife and I decided to split up. That gave me extra motivation to carry on. During the first month, I lost a stone, and my hair was growing, so I felt good.

 “I carried on, and it just changed my life.” 

Ipswich Star: Rick Ward (in the middle) after losing weight, SuppliedRick Ward (in the middle) after losing weight, Supplied (Image: Supplied)

Ipswich Star: Rick Ward after losing weight, SuppliedRick Ward after losing weight, Supplied (Image: Supplied)

The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan uses formula food soups, shakes, bars and other foods to replace conventional foods. 

Mr Ward said he used to eat a shake for breakfast, porridge or soup for lunch, and microwavable noodles for dinner. 

Ipswich Star: Rick Ward before and after losing weight, SuppliedRick Ward before and after losing weight, Supplied (Image: Supplied)

He added: “I feel more awake and have more energy throughout the day. I go to the gym three to four times per week, play football more often, and am generally more active. 

Ipswich Star: Rick at the gym, SuppliedRick at the gym, Supplied (Image: Supplied)

“For the first time in my life, I actually feel happy. I feel content with myself and content in my own company. 

“Obviously, I had a tough year with the divorce, and that was hard on my mental health, but I feel like a completely different person now.” 

Mr Ward had daily support and weekly weigh-ins from his consultant from Kesgrave, Rebecca Thomas, who continues to be there every step of the way with his maintenance. 

Ipswich Star: Rick Ward after losing weight, SuppliedRick Ward after losing weight, Supplied (Image: Supplied)

He now weighs 12 stone 10lbs and is committed to carrying on with a healthy diet. 

Ipswich Star: Rick Ward before and after losing weight, SuppliedRick Ward before and after losing weight, Supplied (Image: Supplied)