Seven-year-old Alexa Green from Kesgrave has received a bravery award from the East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust for her calm actions after her pregnant mum collapsed. 

Alexa showed fearlessness beyond her years, calling an ambulance and caring for her four-year-old sister until crews arrived to help her mum, Tori. 

Tori, who was 28 weeks pregnant at the time of the incident in 2021, said that she had just put Alexa and her younger daughter Keira in the bath when she had an epileptic seizure. 

She said: “Alexa got her sister out of the bath, put a pillow under my head, and called 999. 

“She was able to give my age, our address and describe my condition. 

“I’ve listened to the recording of the phone call, and while she was obviously upset, she kept her head and told them everything they needed to know. 

“When the ambulance arrived, she was able to show the crew how to get into my phone and call my husband.” 

Thanks to Alexa’s prompt actions, her mum was quickly transported to Ipswich Hospital for further treatment.   

She was released the same day, and later gave birth to Jasper, now 18 months old.

Tori said she was very proud of how Alexa helped her through the emergency and made sure her little sister was safe. 

The mum said: “I don’t know where Alexa got all the knowledge of what to do from.  

“She can be a crazy kid like any child her age, but she is very caring and nurturing, and it wouldn’t surprise me if she later considered a career in the caring professions.” 

Ipswich Star: Alexa with her parents, Jon and Tori Green, little brother Jasper, and EEAST chief executive Tom Abell, East of England Ambulance ServiceAlexa with her parents, Jon and Tori Green, little brother Jasper, and EEAST chief executive Tom Abell, East of England Ambulance Service (Image: East of England Ambulance Service)

Alexa, now nine, has been given the East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EEAST) Chief Officer Commendation for her actions. 

Tom Abell, chief executive of EEAST said: “Alexa’s quick thinking and calm response helped avert a more serious incident, and she displayed many of the qualities we look for in the ambulance service. 

“If you feel inspired by Alexa to make a difference to your community – we are recruiting now and you can find out more about career and volunteering opportunities on our website.”