Family and friends of a “bright and lovely” young footballer are gearing up for a 60-mile trek along the coast as he continues his cancer treatment.

Billy Davies, a charismatic 17-year-old Coplestonians FC player, was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer in 2022. 

Billy's family says he has challenged the disease head-on. 

Ipswich Star: Billy Davies was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer, in 2022, Family archivesBilly Davies was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer, in 2022, Family archives (Image: Family archives)

He has come through multiple rounds of chemotherapy, undergone two major surgical interventions as well as radiotherapy. 

The 17-year-old is currently entering another cycle of treatment. 

His mum, Abi Davies, said: “Billy is a bright, lovely boy who loves football. 

“He is very outgoing and has lots of friends, who surprised us by organising the walk for him.” 

Ipswich Star: Billy and his mum Abi, Family archivesBilly and his mum Abi, Family archives (Image: Family archives)

For the family, it has meant taking a hit to their income and spending hours commuting to hospitals for treatment.

It has also been important to them to try to maintain some form of normality for Billy's brother Tommy, 15, which is why their friends decided to raise funds to help the family. 

Mrs Davies added: “What we’ve been through has made us appreciate life even more. 

“Billy is our lovely little boy, and we are grateful for every help we are getting during this difficult time. 

“We feel overwhelmed with the support. This walk is such a lovely thing.” 

Ipswich Star: Football coaches Chris Moore and George Baldry with Billy, Family archivesFootball coaches Chris Moore and George Baldry with Billy, Family archives (Image: Family archives)

On October 14, Billy’s dad, together with friends and players from the football team will walk more than 60 miles from Southwold to Ipswich to collect money that would support Billy and his loved ones. 

Billy hopes to do the last stretch of the walk with them.

Ipswich Star: Billy, his mum Abi, brother Tommy and dad Darren, Family archivesBilly, his mum Abi, brother Tommy and dad Darren, Family archives (Image: Family archives)

His friends set up a goal to raise £2,000 but the fundraising already exceeded their expectations, as they had already collected £7,800. 

Support the fundraising here.

Mrs Davies added: “It’s absolutely crazy that people donated so much money. It’s just nice to think that they all care about Billy.” 

Ipswich Star: Family and friends train before the walk, Steve, Darren and Chris, Family archivesFamily and friends train before the walk, Steve, Darren and Chris, Family archives (Image: Family archives)