A rally in support of Palestine is going to be held outside Ipswich Town Hall this Saturday. 

The standing rally over the conflict in the Middle East will take place at 3pm on Saturday, October 28. 

Leyla Mohamed El-Henawy, one of the leaders of Free Palestine Suffolk, said: “People across the world are watching in horror at the terrible killing going on in Gaza, and we think it’s time for people in Suffolk to join this global movement of protest."

She said the rally will voice "the same demands being voiced across the world" including calls for an immediate cease fire.

Hamas, which governs Gaza and which is proscribed by the UK and other governments as a terrorist organisation, killed more than 1,400 people in Israel with its initial attacks on October 7, while taking more than 200 others into Gaza as hostages.

The UK government has expressed support for what Israel says is its right to defend itself.

The World Health Organization says that 7,028 people have been killed in Gaza since the start of the war on October 7.

Nearly 3,000 of them were children, according to WHO.

Members of the Suffolk community will speak on a range of related issues and all are welcome to attend.