A county lines drug dealer who was involved in the supply of heroin and cocaine in Ipswich has been given a suspended prison sentence.

Police became aware that 18-year-old Ilyaas Habib was travelling to Suffolk to supply drugs to users in the county and detained him as he was getting into a taxi, Ipswich Crown Court heard.

When he was searched officers found a mobile phone and two packets of class A drugs in wraps ready for onward distribution, Edward Renvoize, prosecuting, told the court.

He also had £2,609 cash on him at the time of the arrest.

Habib claimed that he had been forced to become involved in the supply of drugs after running up a drug debt.

He also claimed that he had been told to carry a knife to protect the drugs and cash he had in his possession.

Habib, now aged 19, of Hazeldene Road, in Ilford in east London, admitted possessing cocaine and heroin with intent to supply, possessing criminal property and having a knife.

Sentencing him to two years detention in a young offenders institution suspended for two years, Recorder Paul Garlick said he was taking an exceptional course by not giving him immediate sentence in view of his age and the length of time he had already been in custody.

In addition to the suspended sentence, Habib was ordered to do 200 hours unpaid work and was given a 30 day rehabilitation activity requirement and a six month trail monitoring requirement.

Peter Spary, for Habib, said the drug supply he was involved in took place over a short period of time and that he had been in custody for a year.