A new American sweet shop is set to open in Ipswich, potentially before Christmas.

Penn Commercial has agreed the letting of a ground floor retail unit at 46 Carr Street in Ipswich to Sanaullah Niazai to open an American candy store on behalf of House Group Developments Limited.

The premises, most recently House Group's company headquarters, has been rented for a five-year term.

Following the refurbishment of the location, the store could open before Christmas.

This store adds to Mr Niazai's collection of shops in Suffolk and Essex.

Rachael Jackson of Penn Commercial said: "We wish Mr Niazai every success with his new American Sweets store.

"With the recent letting of the next door unit 44 to charity Emmaus, this end of Carr Street is benefitting from enhanced interest and investment, which is good news for the town as a whole."