Parking restrictions in Ipswich town centre have been removed after it was revealed they were introduced in error.

Two weeks ago, the town’s independent businesses were surprised with a new “no loading permitted at any time” restriction. 

Double yellow lines were placed across the edge of the kerbs on Upper Brook Street and Tacket Street in Ipswich. 

Tak Cheung, the owner of Go East Ipswich, said he only discovered the new restriction on Sunday, November 12, and it was a big surprise for him as the council did not consult this change with the businesses located on those streets. 

Ipswich Star: Yixuan Cheung runs Go East Ipswich together with her husband Tak Cheung, NewsquestYixuan Cheung runs Go East Ipswich together with her husband Tak Cheung, Newsquest (Image: Newsquest)

Mr Cheung was very worried about the logistics of unloading the goods delivered to his store. 

He said: “How are our businesses going to function? How are we going to trade without daily deliveries, which often require trucks and couriers?  

“These establishments employ people; if businesses fail, inevitably, redundancies follow.”   

The restrictions have now been lifted from Tacket Street. 

Ipswich Star: The “no loading permitted at any time” restriction on Tacket Street turned out to be an error, NewsquestThe “no loading permitted at any time” restriction on Tacket Street turned out to be an error, Newsquest (Image: Newsquest)

Mr Cheung said: “It came out of nowhere. We were informed last Friday by a local resident that they have erased the markings. Only then did we realise. 

“After checking CCTV footage, we saw that workmen carried out the work overnight on Thursday, November 23. 

“They erased the majority of markings on Tacket Street, however, they left Upper Brook Street untouched.” 

Ipswich Star: Small double yellow lines across the edge of the kerbs have been introduced on Upper Brook St and Tacket Street two weeks ago, NewsquestSmall double yellow lines across the edge of the kerbs have been introduced on Upper Brook St and Tacket Street two weeks ago, Newsquest (Image: Newsquest)

Mr Cheung added that this was a “surprise U-turn by the council” and he did not expect the council to react so quickly.  

He said: “We are just happy there are no restrictions and hamper our deliveries.  

“It put smiles on the faces of local business owners and residents alike.” 

A Suffolk County Council spokesperson said: "That restriction was put in error, hence why it has been removed.

"It shouldn’t have been there in the first place."

Ipswich Star: The “no loading permitted at any time” restriction on Tacket Street turned out to be an error, NewsquestThe “no loading permitted at any time” restriction on Tacket Street turned out to be an error, Newsquest (Image: Newsquest)