An care home is appealing for birthday cards for the 102nd birthday for a woman who moved to rural Suffolk to be a land girl in the Second World War.

Annie Catchpole, currently a resident in Henley House care home in Ipswich, will mark the occasion at the home on Tuesday, January 30.

Born in Dudley in the West Midlands, her father died when she was six years old, meaning her mother and two sisters went to live with an uncle in London.

At the age of 19, Mrs Catchpole exchanged a busy city life with country living, moving to Sutton Manor near Holbrook as part of the Women's Land Army (WLA), to help with the agricultural war effort.

She stayed there seven years and met the love of her life, Stanley, a gardener at the manor who was called up to join the Suffolk regiment during the war.

Mrs Catchpole waited two years for Stanley to come home, serving in Dunkirk and later taken prisoner of war.

He survived on one piece of bread a day, but Mrs Catchpole says he came out "without a scratch so he was one of the fortunate ones".

Following the war they married in Sutton, where they set up home and lived for a few years, and had one son, Peter.

Mr Catchpole went on to work as a gardener in Christchurch Park and moved to Ipswich's Park Road, and Mrs Catchpole worked as a doctor's assistant.

Mrs Catchpole is looking forward to a birthday of singing with other residents and visits from old friends, some of whom she has known for more than 70 years.

The 101-year-old added that hard work and some worry is key to a long and happy life: "Hard work as long as you know your limitations, and I've always had some worry, but what we worry about often turns out very different."

The home is asking the community if Mrs Catchpole can make it to 102 birthday cards, so dig out your favourite stationery, unleash your creativity, and write her a heartfelt message.

Share your birthday wishes, funny anecdotes, or simply express your admiration for her life journey, and send it by Thursday, January 25, to ensure it reaches her on time.

If you would like to send a card to Mrs Catchpole, send it to: Henley House, 333 Henley Road, Ipswich, IP1 6TB.