This week marks 32 years since the body of a 31-year-old murder victim was discovered in a churchyard in the centre of Ipswich.

Perry Wenham was discovered by a passer-by in the churchyard of St Lawrence Church in Dial Lane in the early hours of January 24, 1992.

It was described at the time as a “brutal” murder. Mr Wenham had been stabbed 11 times, and his throat had been cut.

A case was brought against two men aged 23 and 25 in December of that year with both men acquitted of murder.

Mr Wenham had been seen with two men the day before his murder. Later that night, a witness saw him leaving the Great White Horse Hotel before he met with the same two men again on the Cornhill at around 11.30pm.

The three were seen heading towards St Lawrence Church. The two men were later seen standing under the Lloyds Avenue arch with a police officer, before walking together along Tavern Street and emerging from an alleyway in Dial Lane.

It is thought that by this time, Mr Wenham was dead.

Ipswich Star: Police searching the churchyard in 1992.Police searching the churchyard in 1992. (Image: Archant Archive)

During a police interview, one of the men said he saw an unknown man hit Mr Wenham, who fell to the ground. This was consistent with defence wounds found on Mr Wenham’s body.

The case against the two men reached Norwich Crown Court before being thrown out by Judge Patrick Garland, who said the evidence presented was “deplorably weak.”

To this day, nobody else has been charged with Mr Wenham’s murder.

On the 25th anniversary of his death in 2017, Suffolk Constabulary said that they understood the friends and family of unsolved murder victims continue to grieve and require closure.

Anyone with new information can contact the Joint Norfolk and Suffolk Unsolved Case Team on 01953 423819, or by emailing 

Alternatively, you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers 100% anonymously on 0800 555 111, or via their online form: