An Ipswich florist is spreading the love this Valentine's by offering free single red roses to 'give back' to the community.

Emma’s Florist in Nacton Road, run by Emma Felgate, says she is celebrating 20 years of loyal customers this Valentine's, offering 50 single red roses to 50 people.

The florist has been through its fair share of hardships since it opened on August 7, 2003.

Ipswich Star: Emma Felgate of Emma's FloristEmma Felgate of Emma's Florist (Image: Simply C Photography)

Ms Felgate said: "We have been open for 20 years, an anniversary we celebrated last August.

"This is about spreading the love and giving back to the community. We love giving back to the community as the support we get from customers is unreal. 

"So many people are struggling and I feel like it's really important. We wanted to surprise 50 people with a simple red rose free of charge.

Ipswich Star: The florist is giving out free red roses.The florist is giving out free red roses. (Image: Emma's Florist)

"Many people are finding times really hard at the moment, so the idea is that they can give their loved ones something that may not otherwise be able to afford.

"The simplest things can mean so much. If you're feeling down or haven't had a good day, if someone brings you a red rose it can perk you up and make you feel so much better."

People can call the shop from Monday, February 12 at 9am, and give their names and they can collect their rose whenever is best for them.