Residents of a street in Hadleigh have been impacted by further flooding and says the issue has been exacerbated since Storm Babet.

Amanda Berry, who lives in Pykenham Way, has said the water levels have not dropped since the storm hit in October 2023.

Ms Berry explained: "We have had this problem for years but it usually clears as soon as rain subsides - but since Storm Babet it has not subsided.

Ipswich Star: Residents of Pykenham Way in Hadleigh say they have had no help with the flooding in their streetResidents of Pykenham Way in Hadleigh say they have had no help with the flooding in their street (Image: Amanda Berry)

"It causes problems for the whole street, especially as people drive through it.

"A flood sign has been put up but that's it - nobody has even looked at the problem.

"It's so frustrating and us residents are worried about the state of the road underneath.

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"It particularly affects my neighbours who live opposite because they need to use that pathway to get in and out."

Storm Babet battered the country with strong winds and heavy rainfall last year and a major incident was declared in Suffolk.

Hundreds of homes were left without power and schools were forced to close. 

Its aftermath is still being felt in many areas, with some businesses only just managing to reopen after damage repairs.