A new application has been submitted to create a new home on unused land following a lapse in planning permission.

It was first suggested that two new homes could be created on land behind numbers 79 and 79A in Henley Road in 2018. Permission was granted, and it was decided that both homes would be accessed via Dale Hall Lane.

However, only one of these homes was built, and the adjacent parcel of land in Dale Hall Lane is currently unused.

Planning permission for this second home would have expired in February 2022.

Now, plans have been resubmitted to Ipswich Borough Council, which suggests building a two-bedroom home.

According to a design and access statement prepared by the Wattisham-based SJB Designs explained that this new house would be a single storey, “fully accessible” home with two bedrooms.

Three car parking spaces would be created, as would four cycle spaces.

Ipswich Borough Council sets an automatic eight-week target date for a decision on all applications it receives. This proposal has been given a date of April 8.