Ipswich and East Suffolk Samaritans has successfully staged its recent Town Takeover Event.

The event raised a total of £241.96 for the Samaritans while elevating recruitment efforts and creating awareness.

The group was especially grateful to St Mary Le Tower for illuminating their structure in green for the occasion.

Felixstowe parkrun also offered its support by making the Samaritans' awareness materials accessible to their Saturday runners.

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Annie Owen, deputy director of marketing, said: "On a chilly grey Saturday in Ipswich town centre, Ipswich Samaritans offered a warm and welcoming presence to passers by, reminding everybody that there is a number to call at moments of crisis, 116 123, and that their call will always be answered with the same warmth and acceptance.”

Samaritans is a charity that offers a listening ear and support to people when they need it most whether that be someone who is struggling, or at risk of suicide.

The charity has been in operation in the UK for some 70 years.