A man from Ipswich died as a result of exposure to asbestos during his working life, a coroners’ court has head.

On Friday, the openings and conclusion readings of several investigations into deaths from around our county were heard at Suffolk Coroners’ Court in Ipswich.

An inquest into the death of Percy Ambrose, from Ipswich, has now concluded.

Mr Ambrose died aged 90 on June 22 last year, with the presiding coroner Darren Stewart OBE ruling that his death was the result of a known industrial disease.

The court heard that Mr Ambrose was exposed to asbestos during his working life, when he worked at a power station lagging pipes. He also had the task of mixing fertilisers, a process which exposed him to fine dust particles.

Asbestos is the name given to a group of naturally occurring fibrous minerals which are resistant to heat and corrosion.

Because of these desirable properties, asbestos was historically used in commercial products such as insulation, fireproofing materials and wallboard materials.

Asbestos is dangerous because when disturbed, it releases tiny fibres into the air which become trapped in the lungs. The use of asbestos is now banned.

Mr Ambrose began treatment for an asbestos related lung disease in 2007, although this was not supported by way of biopsy.

His condition deteriorated in 2023, and he was admitted to hospital on June 18, where he passed away four days later.

The inquest into the death of David Fiddaman, also from Ipswich, was later opened at the court.

The court heard that Mr Fiddaman, 82, had spent his working life as a carpenter in the building industry. The court heard that his family believe this was when he was exposed to asbestos.

Mr Fiddaman visited his GP in September last year, complaining of weight loss, a loss of appetite and pain in his upper body. He was given a two-week referral for suspected lung cancer, and a biopsy showed that he had sarcomatoid mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma is a cancer of mesothelial tissue which is associated with exposure to asbestos.

Mr Fiddaman died at home on January 8.

The inquest into the death of Julie Wright, also from Ipswich, was also opened. The court heard that Mrs Wright, who died aged 57, is also believed to have been exposed to asbestos during her working life.

Mrs Wright died at St Elizabeth Hospice on January 19.