Ipswich Borough Council is to discuss whether a five-bedroom home near Christchurch Park should become a children's home next week, with many objecting to the plans.

The local authority will discuss plans that detail the conversion of the house in Constable Road to become a children's home on Wednesday, May 29.

The application, submitted by Compass Children's Homes, has been met with objections from 49 households in the area, councillor for the St Margaret's ward Inga Lockington and Tom Hunt, MP for Ipswich.

Issues raised include the inappropriate location for vulnerable children given crime in the area, the proposal not meeting the local plan and the site being too small, with not enough outside space.

Ipswich Star: Councillor Inga Lockington objects to the plansCouncillor Inga Lockington objects to the plans (Image: Newsquest)

There were also concerns raised over noise and disturbance, but this was not identified by the council's Environmental Health officer as a concern.

One resident did express their support for the plans however, stating it will "provide a stable home-style environment for looked after children".

The plans are set to be given the go-ahead by the borough council, due to there being "no adverse impacts that would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits of the development".

Ipswich Star: Tom Hunt MP also objected to the plansTom Hunt MP also objected to the plans (Image: Newsquest)

Conditions are to be followed should it be approved, including details of refuse and recycling bin storage to be agreed, details of boundary fences to be installed should be agreed and the use should be for a children's home for up to five children and no other use of the building being allowed.

The children living there would be aged between seven and 17, and there would be three members of staff present within the property between 7am and 10pm, with two present over night.

No external alterations are proposed other than the boundary fencing.