A council has sought to allay concerns about the future of an area of woods and recreation space in part of a seaside town where 2,000 homes are being developed.

Fears have been raised on social media site Facebook that homes will be built on the 30-acre Eastward Ho! outdoor playing fields in Felixstowe, which are bordered by the Grove woods, as part of the North Felixstowe Garden Neighbourhood project.

One online poster said: "Some may remember the meeting regarding the North Felixstowe development earlier in the year.

READ MORE: Find out more about plans for 2,000 homes in Felixstowe

"There’s been a citizen’s panel discussing various aspects of this and it’s arisen now that there are plans for developments on Eastward Ho!

"This was previously a line in the sand for the community. If you object to this, please please please speak up to councillors and make sure your voice is heard."

Ipswich Star: Parts of the North Felixstowe Garden Neighbourhood have already started to be built, including Trelawny PlaceParts of the North Felixstowe Garden Neighbourhood have already started to be built, including Trelawny Place (Image: Google Maps)The project was launched in February at the town's Orwell Hotel, when 300 residents packed in to hear details about the masterplan for the development and raised concerns about increased traffic, risks of flooding, education and the loss of countryside.

READ MORE: Lack of masterplan for 2,000-home project leads to objections

The new homes - set to be built over a 20 to 30-year period - will increase the resort's population by about 10,000 people.

The 345-acre site stretches from Gulpher Road in the north to the Dock Spur roundabout in the west and Ferry Road in the east.

A new £25million state-of-the-art leisure centre is also expected to form part of the development.

READ MORE: Felixstowe concerns over 2,000 homes plan for Suffolk town

Ipswich Star: Felixstowe town councillor Mike Deacon said no decision had been made on any plans for Eastward Ho! and the GroveFelixstowe town councillor Mike Deacon said no decision had been made on any plans for Eastward Ho! and the Grove (Image: Newsquest)However, a spokesperson for East Suffolk Council said: "We are engaging closely with local communities to help us develop a masterplan for the North Felixstowe Garden Neighbourhood project and the Citizens Panel enables us to present ideas and encourage helpful feedback at the earliest opportunity.

“Proposals are still at a very early stage, however - as explained in the FAQ section of the scheme’s website - the protection and enhancement of the Grove woodland and Eastward Ho! is central to the master-planning process.

"We are also committed to upgrading the four existing playing fields on the Eastward Ho! recreational area.

READ MORE: Felixstowe news

“We welcome feedback and will continue to do so throughout the master-planning process.

"Local people can visit www.northfelixstowe.co.uk for a wide range of information or email the project team via hello@northfelixstowe.co.uk.

"Please also keep an eye on the public engagement and consultation page of the website for other opportunities to take part.”

Felixstowe town councillor Mike Deacon said no decision had been made on development in that area and ultimately East Suffolk Council would decide on any plans of that nature.

"No decision has been made and what I would really like to reassure people is that nobody can touch the Grove woodlands. There are covenants on it," Mr Deacon said.

He added there would be "uproar" if anybody suggested the woods could be "knocked down" to make way for housing.