An Ipswich cocktail bar in the town centre has sent an application to extend its opening hours and alcohol serving times, to as early as 4am on one day.

Supper Club, based in Tacket Street in the town, has applied to Ipswich Borough Council to vary its premises licence.

Should Ipswich Borough Council grant the licence, it would extend the opening hours of regulated entertainment and extend the serving of alcohol and late night refreshment.

From Sunday to Wednesday, the bar's proposed licence would allow it to do all this from 11am to 1.30am, on Thursday it would be from 11am to 2.30am.

On Friday evenings, Supper Club would like to have the option to stay open and serve alcohol until 4am, with service starting at 11am.

Its current licence allows activity until 2.30am on Thursday to Saturday, 11pm on Monday to Wednesday and until midnight on Sunday.

The licencing committee for Ipswich Borough Council will discuss the application in due course.