An Ipswich teenager who ran a drug line in the town has been given a suspended sentence.

Police who searched 18-year-old James Johnstone’s property found £175 cash, three drug phones and a small quantity of drugs packaged for sale, Ipswich Crown Court heard.

Johnstone, of Fonnereau Road in the town, admitted two offences of being involved in the supply of class A drugs.

He was given a 10-month sentence of youth detention suspended for two years, a rehabilitation activity requirement, a mental health treatment programme and ordered to do 150 hours unpaid work.

Sentencing him at Ipswich Crown Court on Thursday, Recorder Sarah Przyblyska accepted Johnstone had become involved in the drug supply after being threatened.

“You were exploited by others further up the chain,” said the judge.

She said Johnstone had a difficult background and she was impressed at the voluntary steps he’d taken to get on top of his drug addiction.

The court heard that Johnstone ran the “Breeze” drug line between November last year, when Johnstone was aged 17, until March 7, this year.

Hannah Gladwell, for Johnstone, who has now turned 18, said he was a victim of county lines drug dealers.