Overgrown foliage at an A14 roundabout on the outskirts of Ipswich is set to be cut. 

The Seven Hills Interchange has been branded "Jumanji Junction" by locals in recent weeks due to tall grass blocking visibility for those joining the carriageway. 

Following a number of complaints, Suffolk Highways has said it will be carrying out works to cut the overgrown foliage. 

Workers will be attending the site on Saturday, before carrying out further cuts along the A12 on Tuesday, May 28. 

A Suffolk Highways spokesman said: "These works will be carried out under mobile work, please slow down and give teams space."

Suffolk Highways had previously said work was due to start on the junction on Bank Holiday Monday - but it was brought forward.

Drivers have previously described the Seven Hills Interchange as dangerous due to the overgrown nature of the junction.

Mick Gill, from Martlesham, said: "Not only is it dangerous, it also appears to be the cause of traffic slow-down at the junction."