Police discovered a Kinder Surprise egg capsule filled with drugs in a woman's underwear in Ipswich, a court heard.

On Monday, Michaela Ponting, 27 and formerly of Birmingham, appeared at Ipswich Crown Court to be sentenced.

Ponting was accused with possession of crack cocaine and heroin with the intent to supply, an offence to which she had pleaded guilty.

The court heard that police conducted a search on a property in Ipswich on March 17, 2022. When attempts to force entry proved unsuccessful, they entered through a bathroom window.

Inside, they discovered Ponting and three other males. They were all detained and searched.

When a female officer carried out a search on Ponting, she discovered packages containing wraps of cocaine and heroin.

The court heard that she found these concealed in a Kinder Surprise egg capsule found in Ponting’s underwear.

Ponting, they heard, was visibly upset. One of the males referred to himself as her partner, and told officers that she “had no choice”.

Speaking in Ponting’s defence, counsel Juliet Donovan said that her client had made a huge effort to turn her life around.

Ponting has qualifications in hairdressing and beauty, said Ms Donavan, which she intends to put to use. Ponting has since moved to Wiltshire.

When the police arrived at the Ipswich property, she said that the three males had essentially “thrown all the candy her way” and that her client had attempted to conceal them out of a “misguided sense of loyalty”.

In sentencing Ponting, Judge Nicola Talbot-Hadley congratulated her on having managed to remain clean from drugs.

“I am pleased to hear that you have made a fresh start for yourself,” she said.

Judge Talbot-Hadley sentenced Ponting to 20 months in jail, which she suspended for 18 months.

Ponting will also pay a victim surcharge of £156 and will complete 40 Rehabilitation Activity Days.