AN Ipswich man is getting used to his new look today after receiving a shock when he gazed in the mirror following a charity headshave.Mick Haggar was busy all day, after having his head shaved for charity on the Cornhill on Saturday morning.

By Amanda Cresswell

AN Ipswich man is getting used to his new look today after receiving a shock when he gazed in the mirror following a charity headshave.

Mick Haggar was busy all day, after having his head shaved for charity on the Cornhill on Saturday morning.

He went to see Ipswich Town play, working an assistant turnstile operator, and colleagues presented him with a woolly hat to wear, to stave off a chill.

But it wasn't until he returned to his home at Harrows Close that he had a chance to see the result of his endeavours.

"It was quite a shock. I do look completely different," said Mick, 55.

"I'd had a beard on and off for ten years, and a moustache for about 30 years – since I met my wife Frances. She got a shock too, and she's still a bit apprehensive about touching my head. She's still trying to get used to my new look."

Mick decided to raise money for the East Anglian Air Ambulance, after Frances was helped by paramedics when she suffered a heart attack at work in Ipswich Co-op in Carr Street, in December 1999.

Her story was featured in the Evening Star soon afterwards.

Mick has now raised about £650 by having his head shaved, and Suffolk air ambulance fundraiser Andrew Caldecott helped him do a street collection which they hope has raised another £1,000.

Mick has decided to keep his clean-shaven look, but will let his hair grow back a bit in to a short style.

He also praised hairdressers from Suffolk College who did the honours.

His fundraising will help the charity which runs the air ambulance, which has just heard it will not get as much sponsorship from the Automobile Association as it did last year. All other costs have to be covered by donations from the public.

If you would like to fundraise for the air ambulance, call Andrew Caldecott on 07884 326688.