Now you see it . . . Now you don’t! All evidence of Ipswich “Cornhenge” has now been wiped off the face of the town’s Cornhill.

The artwork was always the most controversial part of the Cornhill revamp - and as soon as it was unveiled the Ipswich Vision Partnership and borough council which carried out the work admitted the dull concrete slabs did not meet their specifications.

Earlier this year, after attempts to polish them failed, the borough announced they would be replaced - and it confirmed they had never been paid for because they were not what had been ordered.

After another rethink, it was decided that what was officially called the Four Gateways, but known by the public as Cornhenge, would not be replaced and the area would be left clear.

Work to clear the area outside the former Grimwades store took two weeks, and was finally completed earlier this week.

Town centre organisations hope this will make it easier for the owners of the store to find a new tenant because it should be more attractive to a cafe or restaurant which might want to put out tables outside the premises.