A family has today praised the quick actions of the emergency services after they were involved in a dramatic accident on the A12 in Suffolk.

Mirzanur Rahman, 34, from Ipswich, was travelling back from the airport following a holiday in Egypt with his wife, Rubina and his daughters, Zara and Ellisa, when his car overturned after hitting a barrier.

The incident happened just after 3am on January 29 after Mr Rahman spotted a fox in the middle of the road. He swerved to avoid the animal but his car’s bumper hit the barrier and caused the car to turn over.

Police, ambulance crews and the fire service were all scrambled to the scene, which was close to Capel St Mary, and they cut the family out of the car.

Fortunately no one suffered any injuries however the car was a write-off.

Zara and Ellisa have written a letter to the emergency services to thank them for helping their family escape from the car.

Mr Rahman said that if it wasn’t for the emergency crews, the incident could have ended in tragedy.

“My wife was shocked and so were the kids,” he said.

“The ambulance crew was fantastic, they looked after my daughters very well.

The police and fire crews were brilliant as well.

“I wasn’t very aware of what they were doing. I was in shock and I wasn’t taking too much in but I’m very grateful for what they did – I can’t thank them enough.

“We’re lucky to be here safe and sound.”

The family were taken to hospital after the accident for a routine check-up but they suffered from just minor bruising. They left the hospital at around 6am.