MUMS-to-be in Suffolk will be offered a new screening test for Down's syndrome today.


Once screening has taken place, from week 11 to 13 of pregnancy, a risk calculation is made.

Women receiving a higher-risk result will be contacted directly and offered further diagnostic testing. For those women who request Down's syndrome screening and who come forward later in the pregnancy a biochemistry triple test will be offered, which is performed at 15 to 18 weeks.

Hossein Khaled, public health practitioner at NHS Suffolk, said: “This test is offered to all women as part of their care from the NHS.

“As soon as a woman sees her GP she will be encouraged to contact the local midwifery service and, should she wish to take up the offer of this new test, be able to have the screening test done within the correct timeframe.”

Are you pleased the screening will be offered in Suffolk? Write to Your Letters, Evening Star, 30 Lower Brook Street, Ipswich IP4 1AN or e-mail