IS the summer nearly over? Was it something that I said?

James Marston

IS the summer nearly over? Was it something that I said?

It's been an entertaining week for poor old Gordon Brown hasn't it?

The moment he arrives in Suffolk for a little holiday all his cabinet colleagues start pledging their support for him.

How awfully strange?

Goodness knows why a visit here would prompt such a response but I bet he's grateful.

He must be encouraged to know he's so popular, it's probably just the tonic he needs to forget all thoughts about resignation and continue as PM.

Well they're all saying what a great job he's doing.

In fact I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't come to Suffolk again next year.

Here in the Edwardian spa town of Felixstowe, after a rather hectic weekend, I found myself in a relaxed mood at the Helmingham Hall Classic Car show on Sunday.

I went last year and thought I'd make a return visit ogle some cars, pretend which motor I'd have if I won the lottery, imagine I lived in the big house and had a massive garden called a park and come away wondering if I haven't got a very old, rich and childless fairly distant relative I could befriend.

No sooner had I arrived casually dressed in a t shirt and some new shoes that it started to rain leaving me and everyone else frantically searching for waterproofs and taking shelter underneath ancient oaks.

The showers showed no signs of abating; leaving a number of owners with an uphill struggle with a chamois leather, so I bought a home made banana cake and headed back to my small salon with sea views distant. I did manage to look at some of the nice motors though and decided on a red Jaguar as my lottery indulgence unless anyone's got one they want to give away to an almost-celeb with a wet t-shirt.

IT'S going to be an exciting time in Felixstowe this weekend.

The banners are up, the bunting in place and on Saturday the town will be en fete for its annual carnival.

Naturally I shall be there, so do say hello while enjoying the spectacle.

FOR the regular James Marston readers among you it will come as no surprise that I was delighted to see Camilla and Charles enjoying themselves in Suffolk last week.

Camilla, who always looks a right giggle, seemed to be on top form as she tasted things and helped out her hubby.

She looked lovely too.

Anyway I kept meaning to text her just to say I would have invited them to pop in for a gin and orange and some cheese and pineapple on sticks to my Felixstowe salon with sea views (distant) but I had a rehearsal with the Ipswich most Operatic and ever so Dramatic Society (IODS) instead.

There'll be another time.

I was out and about last week in the middle of a field reporting on plans to develop some land at Felixstowe only to find myself recognised by a reader.

A gentleman came up to me and said: “You're James aren't you? I read your bits in the paper. You look much younger in the flesh. Those pictures in the paper don't do you justice.”

I reminded him that I am 28 plus 4, 28 plus 5 next month, and I've started a campaign to sack the photographer.

James' Joke

What's black and white and eats like a horse?

A zebra.

IT'S not the usual sort of cake is it? But it caught my eye.

In this photo released by the San Diego Zoo, Zhen Zhen, a giant panda cub receives a three-tiered cake made of ice and filled with fruits, vegetables and bamboo on in celebration of her first birthday.

It is estimated that there are just 1,600 giant pandas left in the world due to habitat destruction and fragmentation, bamboo depletion and poaching.