A SEARCH is underway for a tall Paddington Bear figure, previously used as a charity collection box, which was stolen from a garden in Lowestoft.

Russell Claydon

A SEARCH is underway for a tall Paddington Bear figure, previously used as a charity collection box, which was stolen from a garden in Lowestoft.

The 2ft tall plastic/ fibreglass bear went missing from the garden of a home in Osborne Street between 11pm on Monday and 9am yesterday, Tuesday November 11.

The figure - a former charity collection box - was positioned high up and it's thought the thief would have used a ladder, or been standing on something in order to reach it.

Police are asking anyone who saw someone taking him or carrying him in the area, or know about his whereabouts to call PC 760 Wakefield at Lowestoft on 01986 835300.