PICKPOCKETS and thieves struck five times on Ipswich's streets in the past week, stealing from a total of seven people.Thieves struck on five separate occasions and their victims ranged from the very young (aged eight) to the elderly (aged 73).

PICKPOCKETS and thieves struck five times on Ipswich's streets in the past week, stealing from a total of seven people.

Thieves struck on five separate occasions and their victims ranged from the very young (aged eight) to the elderly (aged 73). In every incident reported to police, the thieves were male and most appeared to be in their teens. They took goods from mobile phones to a bag of shopping.

Crime prevention officer with Ipswich police Tracey Hardy offered a few tips on preventing yourself falling victim to street thieves.

"It's about being aware of where you're going and what you need to take. As long as your house is secure things are much safer at home. Make sure what you have on you is only what you need," she said.

"Our biggest problem with street crime is handbag snatchers and purse-dippers – where they dip in and take our your purse."

The best bags to wear are those with long straps across your body which left your hands free, she said. "Make sure the flap, if it has one, is towards your body and the zip is fastened."

If possible, leave keys at home so if your bag is stolen, your address and keys aren't both missing together.

"Don't carry mobile phones clipped to your back pocket or visible," she added.

"Where children are concerned, don't use [mobiles] in too public a place."

A child using a phone on a street corner for example, was "an easy target".