DOZENS of black Suffolk teenagers got to have their say about policing at "Black Meets Blue II" – a day-event organised to improve relations between the force and ethnic minorities.

By Lisa Baxter

DOZENS of black Suffolk teenagers got to have their say about policing at "Black Meets Blue II" – a day-event organised to improve relations between the force and ethnic minorities.

Comedian Felix Dexter, of TV's The Fast Show and The Real McCoy, told youngsters gathered at Ipswich Town Football Club for the second such event in three years: "Today is about you expressing your views and articulating what you feel."

He said the youngsters would have the chance to air their thoughts and grievances about any dealing they may have had with the force as well as an opportunity to find out more about the criminal justice system or a career with the police.

Teenagers aged between 14 and 18 were split into groups for a series of workshops on themes such as dealing with racism and legal rights and interactive handsets were dished out to youngsters to take part in a series of votes.

A judge, barristers and police officers joined teenagers later in the day for an open debate about issues raised during the event.

Inspector Peter Haystead said the aim of yesterday's initiative was to improve communication between young people from Suffolk's black and ethnic minority communities, to find out their views on joining the force and to make them aware of the support available following racist incidents.