AN Ipswich politician has today praised the town's newspapers and criticised a move by the BBC to create ultra local websites.

AN Ipswich politician has today praised the town's newspapers and criticised a move by the BBC to create ultra local websites.

Ben Gummer, the Conservative parliamentary candidate for Ipswich, has written to the BBC Trust Chairman, Sir Michael Lyons, calling on the BBC Trust to reject the BBC's proposal to spend £23 million a year on new local video on-demand services.

Mr Gummer said: "In an increasingly difficult advertising market why should local newspapers have to face the additional threat of subsidised competition from the BBC?

“I don't think they should and I have written to the BBC Trust asking them to take a strong stance on this proposal.

“As well as a number of outstanding local radio stations, we are very lucky in Ipswich to have two excellent local papers, The Evening Star and the East Anglian Daily Times, both of which have already started popular video-on-demand services.

“They provide fair and timely coverage of the issues that matter to Ipswich people - a fact recognized in several awards.

“Most importantly, they provide a community voice in good times and bad. The last thing we need is the BBC coming in and imposing a London solution on Ipswich news.”