Ipswich residents have decorated potholes with love hearts in an attempt to draw attention to the state of their road.

%image(15536222, type="article-full", alt="This orange sign says "less Covid more on roads," also with a love heart")

Orange spray paint has been daubed around the potholes in Ranelagh Road with slogans including "fix me I'm broken".

The graffiti has now been removed by workers from Ipswich Borough Council and teams from Suffolk Highways are due to attend in coming days to address the growing issue of potholes in the street.

%image(15536228, type="article-full", alt="Damaged road with orange writing in Ranelagh Road, Ipswich")

%image(15536234, type="article-full", alt="The potholes in Ranelagh Road, Ipswich")

A Suffolk County Council spokeswoman said: "Ipswich Borough Council has removed the graffiti and we are due to be attending site soon to repair the defect which meets our Highway Maintenance Operational Plan (HMOP) criteria.

"The other road defects do not currently require action; however, will continue to be monitored.

%image(15536240, type="article-full", alt="Several small potholes with a big heart in Ranelagh Road, Ipswich")

"We discourage anyone from defacing the highway, this can take several hours to repair remedy and is costly to clear."

%image(15536246, type="article-full", alt="Potholes in Ranelagh Road, Ipswich.")

%image(15536257, type="article-full", alt="Potholes in Ranelagh Road, Ipswich.")

%image(15536265, type="article-full", alt="Potholes in Ranelagh Road, Ipswich.")