CHEAP insults are not the usual stuff of diplomacy. Yet this is what the US embassy said: "Mr Meacher's fantastic allegations would be monstrous, and monstrously offensive, if they came from someone serious or credible."

CHEAP insults are not the usual stuff of diplomacy. Yet this is what the US embassy said: "Mr Meacher's fantastic allegations would be monstrous, and monstrously offensive, if they came from someone serious or credible."

Let me point out to the embassy that Michael Meacher is a respected senior MP in Britain's party of government - a far more experienced politician, as it happens, than the prime minister.

He has served in the cabinet or shadow cabinet for 27 of the past 29 years. His departure in June, following those of Robin Cook and Clare Short, marked the final demise of decency and honesty in our government.

So what were his controversial allegations?

In short, they were that the war in Iraq was all about securing oil supplies for America; that it was planned before the Bush administration came to power; that it would have happened whether Saddam Hussein was in power or not, and whether Iraq had weapons of mass destruction or not; and that the September 11 attacks on New York and Washington were very convenient for Bush and Co.

All of which is the simple truth, however hard it may be to swallow.

It is Bush, Blair and their puppet-masters in American business who are monstrous, not Michael Meacher.

War on terrorism is bogus - Michael Meacher's article in full